Rest Day at John Day

Sun 6th June 2010

Today has been a welcome rest day and it’s been great. We had a lay in until about 7:15am and started our day with Huckleberry pancakes with maple syrup and crispy bacon (yum).  We then popped into John Day with Judy to buy some provisions and Judy then took us on the scenic route back.

House in the woods

Bob & Judy's Mountain House

In the afternoon we took a hike up the mountain at the rear of Mike and Judy’s house to look at the old stage coach road that ran from Canyon City to Burns, Oregon which was used in the 19th century.

Quad Bike

I can't walk, my knee hurts

A spot of target shooting in later on confirmed my suspicion that Chris needs to visit the optician unable to hit a target just 20ft away. In fact he did hit one but it was not the one he was aiming at.  That was using a pistol but he did better when we tried the rifle, a .223 cal hunting rifle. We were shooting at a target 238 yards away across the valley and we both managed to hit it. I wish I could describe the boom of the rifle when we fired it, it was incredible and not a sound you hear in the UK.

Target practice

"What target?"

Rifle Shooting

Even with scopes the target was hard to see

In the evening we went to Judy & Mike’s place (friends of Bob & Judy) where we had a great evening dining on elk and lots of other goodies. It was just fantastic food and fantastic company.

Gathering in the porch

Judy, Mike, Alan, Chris, Judy, Bob

This rest day has really refreshed us but it will be hard to get back on the bikes and leave it all behind.

We can’t believe how many comments we are getting. They really make us feel closer to home so thanks to everyone for them we enjoy reading them.


  1. Sounds like a well earned day off! Hiking though boys!??? surely you’re meant to take it a bit easy ..!!

    dining on elk! sounds interesting!
    Dad you should have thought whatever you were aiming for was a pigeon eating your cabbages! Then i have no doubt you would have shot it!! ha!
    Glad you have had a good rest day and the people you are meeting are looking after you!!

    Happy cycling again, only 5 more days til the next day off!! ahhhh!!
    Love you

  2. Sounds like you enjoyed your day off, you really deserved it, you are doing a fantastic job writing the blog alan we feel closer to you both reading it, stay safe xxx

  3. Hey!!
    I added to the blog earlier but for some reason it’s not showing so apologies if you see two from me!!

    eating Elk? That sounds very interesting!!
    I’m suprised that you didn’t hit your target dad! You should’ve imagined it was a pigeon eating your cabbages!
    And hiking on your day off!! no rest for the wicked it seems!

    Glad to hear you’re having a good time and making the most of your day off!!
    Happy cycling for tomorrow!
    Love you