Day 44 – Hindman to Breaks VA
Mon 19th July 2010 Last night we stayed at the Historical Society in Hindman. It was a strange place to stay because the hospitality was good but the sleeping accommodation was appalling. The host, David, looked after us well and provided a baked potato and ice cream for desert. The breakfast this morning was also […]
Day 43 – Booneville to Hindman
Sun 18th July 2010 The house we stayed at last night was very comfortable and was ideal apart from the fact that we had no Internet connection and that I was stung on the leg by a nasty looking wasp. But we slept well and the early finish yesterday allowed us to rest. We left […]
Day 42 – Berea to Booneville
Sat 17th July 2010 Chris was asleep early last night and felt better when he woke up. We were heading into the Apallachian mountains today but we only had 60 miles to do so we knew we had a short day ahead and were glad that another 90 miler wasn’t on the cards. It was […]
Day 41 – Bardstown to Berea
Fri 16th July 2010 From this point on we only have to average 70 miles per day but in the heat and terrain that will still be a tough challenge. We have covered over 180 miles in the past two days in extremely high temperatures and ever increasing hills. It’s also 11 days since we […]
Day 40 – Falls of Rough to Bardstown
Thurs 15th July 2010 Today’s forecast was for the hottest day here for three years with 94% humidity and the heat index at 106 degrees F. With almost 100 miles to do we thought we’d better start early so we put our clocks forward ahead of the time change we would cross today and set […]
Day 39 – Sebree to Falls of Rough
Wed 14th July 2010 Today should have been a rest day for us in Sebree but we decided to lose it in favour of reducing some high mileage days through the Appellation Mountains. So at the moment we’re a whole day ahead of where we should be and with the weather forecast for the next […]