Day 8 – Halfway to Council
Wed 9th June 2010 After returning to the campsite last night I discovered that both our neighbours had donated huge amounts of pizza to us so the beef jerky was spared. We ate what we could, having already had our dinner but some was left over. Chris decided he would have it for his breakfast […]
Day 7 – Baker City to Halfway
Tues 8th June 2010 It was cold in the tents last night and I woke up freezing in the middle of the night and had to put on my fleece to stay warm. Neither of us had a good nights sleep as we ‘ve been spoiled up to now and not used to sleeping on […]
Day 6 – Dayville to Baker City
Mon 7th June 2010 Well where do I start with today? Firstly I’m writing this in my tent at 10:34pm listening to Chris snoring in his tent next to mine. It reminds me of the tardis taking off. We should have finished at Austin Junction today but as we had cycled 10 miles past Dayville […]
Rest Day at John Day
Sun 6th June 2010 Today has been a welcome rest day and it’s been great. We had a lay in until about 7:15am and started our day with Huckleberry pancakes with maple syrup and crispy bacon (yum). We then popped into John Day with Judy to buy some provisions and Judy then took us on […]
Day 5 – Prineville to Dayville
Sat 5th June 2010 We left the motel at 6:50am and it was sunny with no rain forecast. A headwind for the first hour or so slowed us down and we were gradually climbing on our way up to Ochoco pass at 4,720ft. The scenery was spectacular and quite varied ranging from heavy wooded area […]
Day 4 – McKenzie Bridge to Prineville
Fri 4th June 2010 Well today has been a testing day. We left McKenzie Bridge at 6:30, a nice early start. After about 10 miles I realised, by not paying attention to the GPS, that I had missed a right turn to take HW242 over McKenzie Pass. So we turned around and went back only […]