Day 49 – Lexington to Charlottesville
Sun 25th July 2010
Today has been the hottest one so far with temperatures finally topping 100 degrees. We had slightly late start because our motel didn’t serve breakfast until 6:30am and we really needed an early start today to avoid the heat and we knew we had a big climb to tackle. It turned out that the climb from Vesuvius was not as bad as we expected. It was still hard work and very steep at the start but it was soon over. It must be those ultra-lightweight bikes again.
At the top we joined the Blue Ridge Parkway, a scenic road that runs along the top of the Appalachians and we followed that for about 30 miles. While on this we both almost ran out of water and there was nowhere we could buy any. Chris spoke to three bikers and they gave him a bottle of water. When they set off they rode but us and shortly after one returned. The rider, Jason, gave us a bottle of sports drink which we shared between us. He’s our hero for today and it was a very nice gesture from him. It was also many miles further before we could get water so he really saved our day. It was not a day to be cycling without water.
The views from the Blue Ridge Parkway were fantastic and at long last we had reached the edge of the Appalachians having spent the last 500 miles cycling through them. We had views of the flatlands beyond the mountains and could see clearly where they suddenly started. It was great to coast downhill and out of them with the thought of some flat cycling ahead in the next few days as we head closer to Yorktown.
This evening we are staying with IPA members Dennis and Diane Arcoraci who live north of Charlottesville. It was too far to cycle to their house frm our route so Dennis picked us upĀ just outside Charlottesville and will drop us back in the morning. We’ve had a wonderful meal this evening and they’ve really made us feel at home. It’s a shame our visit is so fleeting because it feels rude to leave so soon especially as Dennis and I have exchanged so many emails over the last 6 months but we have to ride tomorrow to keep on schedule. An evening in good company is just not enough.
The forecast for tomorrow is 90 degrees, still hot but much cooler than today and we have another 70 miles to complete.
Daily Mileage – 71 miles
Time in Saddle – 6 hrs 29 mins
Total Climbing – 5,760 ft
Posted on: Jul 26th, 2010 at 2:16 am
I know that Dennis and Diane have treated you well. Congratulations on your journey so far. My legs and bum have ached as I have followed your quest. Waiting to hear if you get into our area from Yorktown. Dennis can provide you with a phone number for me or email me as needed
Posted on: Jul 26th, 2010 at 4:40 am
What some spectacular views, nice to see you taking some in at last. Well done, absolutely fantastic, take care xxxx
Posted on: Jul 26th, 2010 at 8:19 am
Lucky you two are’nt as competitive as shleck and co – Think the alps and Pyrennees are spectacular? Glad you are nearly over the top. Not qwuite all downhill from here, but certainly almost. Good luck and good cheer.
C U soon!
Posted on: Jul 26th, 2010 at 7:38 pm
Hi boys
Only seems like yesterday that you went off on your big adventure!! So pleased you are doing so well and surviving all that has been thrown at you. I thought it was hot here, so hats off to you. I can’t walk two yards without getting heatstroke, so I think you’re both amazing.
Keep going, and enjoy every minute. Loads of love, Ann xxx
Posted on: Jul 27th, 2010 at 4:03 pm
great pictures and wonderful scenery!
god you are nearly at the end!
Sorry i didnt put this on sooner, computer has been playing up!
love you