Day 26 – Eads to Leoti
Wed 30th June 2010
Having completed today’s ride we are now just over half way with a mere 25 days cycling left. Our overall ride stats are:
Total Mileage – 2,276 miles, Total Climbing – 91,646 ft.
Now we’re in Kansas it’s very hot and very windy. The wind is light until about 10:30am when it seems to increase in strength. It generally blows from our right side so it doesn’t slow us down but it’s not helping either, it’s just unpleasant. Also when we set off this morning the sun was already getting warm so we plan to set off at first light in future. Today we crossed a time zone so we had to put our clocks forward 1 hour. We’re now 6 hrs behind the UK.
The planned destination today was a town called Tribune but we had reached there by 11:30am which was too early to stop. We passed another cyclist who told us that he had been unable to get a motel for the past two weeks due to the fact that it’s harvest time here. That wasn’t music to our ears because we had planned to stop in Leoti and get a motel (no camping there). So we carried on regardless expecting to cycle on as far as Scott City (another 100 mile + day) but we were lucky and did manage to find a room at the High Plains Motel in Leoti. It was good value with a chicken dinner and breakfast included in the price. Concerned that breakfast was going to be a bagel and a coffee I ask the staff what it would be. She said eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, yogurt, toast & bagels. So I guess we won’t go hungry then?
It’s difficult cycling on these long, long very straight roads where only the grain silos dominate the horizons. The whole area is geared up for wheat and corn production, with the odd nodding donkey extracting oil in a few places. It’s harvest time for the next week so we are sharing the road with the grain trucks and little else. There are also lots of huge grasshopper / locust type insects that sit on the road and fly up as you approach. They often fly into our faces, legs and arms and sometimes land on us as well.
My excitement today was provided by a dog than ran out to chase me. I’m not sure if it was going to try and bite me but I shouted at it and scared the shit out of it. It ran away just as I was reaching for the pepper spray. I stopped to get a photo of it attacking Chris but it didn’t come out a second time. Sorry, I did try.
It’s been a good day today and it was nice to finish early (2:30pm) and relax in an air conditioned room. It’s been nearly 35 degrees C today and forecast to get warmer at the end of the week. We’ve now had our chicken dinner and it was excellent and plentiful.
Daily mileage -79.5 miles
Time in Saddle – 5 hrs 51 mins
Total Climbing – 716 ft
Posted on: Jul 1st, 2010 at 6:19 am
Missed your blog yesterday.
It seems you guys are gluttons for punishment, every time you have a rest day the next seems to be a marathon long one.
You are doing great.
Posted on: Jul 1st, 2010 at 9:01 am
Hi there, i’ve been reading the blogs every day, and you seem to have good days and bad days, we are all proud of you. Just think it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, and not many people can achieve this in their lifetime. All the pain you are going through is worth it.
i’m at home relaxing on the computer, but have been cycling to work recently, which has been helping my hip, and is a small step to maybe one day doing something like what you are.
Tracey is really missing you and is looking forward to you coming home.
Posted on: Jul 1st, 2010 at 9:05 am
Well absolutely fantastic, you,ve reached another milestone, well done. Chicken dinner sounds lovely but by the end of this week you may be asking for a lovely CORN dinner !!!!BE safe
Posted on: Jul 1st, 2010 at 1:15 pm
Can i just come over and meet you for breakfast then and just leave the cycling to you! Sounds yummy! Just the ticket for the hard cycling you have coming up.
Lots of sunscreen and plenty of fluids..sounds like it’s going to be really really hot..i dont envy you.
Stupid smelly dogs…i dont think it tried to attack you dad as your cat fanclub were secretly protecting you!! he he he
Love you lots
Posted on: Jul 1st, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Half way now, Good for you.
Happy to hear you are doing well (no mechanical troubles, etc) and making good progress. Keep up the good work.
Posted on: Jul 1st, 2010 at 7:57 pm
Hello from your stand-in/deputy/delegate/ambassador at Avebury.
The blogs and photos are great! Really glad it’s all going so well. Keep on pedalling and eating the bannaannas! I guessed a big number and I want the prize!
PS The stones are still standing.
Posted on: Jul 4th, 2010 at 4:13 pm
At least the luggage has reduced(Jan’s laundry lament) . Interesting to see what happens in this section, travelling straight and reasonably flat across the Prairies/Plains. Bloody hot work.