Day 14 – Jackson to Twin Bridges

Wed 16th June 2010

Because of yesterday’s late finish it was very late before the blog was complete and I could go to bed. With just 75 miles to do today we decided to lay in until 6:00am and treat ourselves! That turned out to be a good move because it rained heavily all night and stopped just before we set off at 7:30am.

Leaving Jackson

Leaving the town of Jackson under heavy clouds

As we left Jackson it was chilly and the clouds were low but at least the mosquitoes we had been warned about were not around. We had two passes to get over today both within the first 30 miles. The first was Big Hole Pass at 7,360 ft and the second Badger Pass at 6,760 ft. The ride down the other side of Big Hole Pass was the best bit of the day. We reached speeds of over 40mph and it went on for several miles, it was great fun but short lived.

Mother and fawn

Mother and fawn

As we crossed over the second pass the clouds ahead looked very threatening and not good. Chris said “It doesn’t look like it’ll rain”. Well he was partly right because it was more like a monsoon.

Dark clouds ahead

Rain clouds South of Badger Pass

The last 45 miles were riding in very poor conditions with heavy rain all the way. There were no breaks in the clouds and we didn’t see the sun all day. In fact I rode the whole day with my waterproofs on. It was not a day to take photographs so we have very few to mark the occasion.

Badger Pass

Looking back from Badger Pass. Can you spot Chris?

The other good thing about today was the wind, it was with us for most of the day and gave us a good average speed allowing us to reach Twin Bridges by 2:00pm when we found a nice little motel. It was just great to get out of the wet clothes and have a shower.

The weather over here has been terrible and more is forecast for the next few days at least. We have just heard that 1-3 inches of snow is expected in West Yellowstone and we’ll be there in a couple of days. May be time to break out the thermals.

Daily mileage – 75.74 miles

Time in Saddle – 5 hrs 43 mins

Total climbing – 2,250 ft


  1. Shame about the weather – the forecasters here are just starting to mutter about a hosepipe ban, and this summer being the driest since 1964 ;) Still, at least you have the scenery!!
    Keep up the good work, its still very addictive reading the blog, even when its short ……

    Lesley x

    ps. no native Americans yet? Im sure they could do something about the weather for you??…..

  2. Hey!
    Really feeling for you having to cycle in such bad conditions. I’ve checked out the weather forecast for you for the next week in yellowstone- have put full day by day details on your e mail dad!
    well done again
    Love you

  3. Well your really getting bad weather I really feel for you, the sun will come out for you soon “hopefully”. I’m really proud of you both, take care. love babs xxx

  4. GEE whiz fellows! I’m starting to wonder if summer is ever going to get here, The snow level is down here too, the Mtns out our window is white this morning. Tell Chris that I’m enjoying a white coffee this morning and thinking of him. P.S. there is a hatter in twin bridges that you might enjoy visiting. bob

  5. Hey Alan and Chris,
    I cycled up White horse hill Uffington today!Stopped for a drink and banana then took a circuitous route back home.On the way I saw a view and thought a picture of the bike in the foreground would look good.
    So I stopped.Put my foot down.But there was no hard ground.I had unwittingly stopped by a gully.My world turned stinging nettle green,my bike on top of me.
    No harm done,but the nettles were hot!
    Enjoying reading the blog.

  6. Hello guys, sounds like the weather has been pritty s—–. Never mind Penny bet your enjoying puting all those calories back in ! The stones are still standing at Avebury and everyone is asking about you. My mums been very ill for a week but is geting over her chest infection now. So after a week of constant caring we are looking forward to our Greek island break on the 24/6. Will toast your good luck with a long cool Ouzo !!!!!