Day 13 – Victor to Jackson
Tues 15th June 2010
After completing last nights post Pete & Karen took us to the local steakhouse for dinner. Their daughter Amanda works there so we were well looked after and the food was excellent as well as plentiful. We all shared a ‘mud pie’ for desert but the six of us just about managed to eat it. It was a nice evening in good company but went too quickly. On the back to the ranch we drove through a violent electrical storm and one flash of lightning nearly hit our vehicle – it was sooo close.
We set off this morning at 6:50am having said our goodbyes to Pete, Karen and Amanda. It was sad to go as we had a lot of laughs with them and they made us feel so much at home. We’ll miss you.
As we set off we knew we had a hard day ahead. With 107miles and a climb to over 7,000ft it was an ambitious target but we got our heads down and made good time covering the first 50 miles by 12:00pm.
We then started to climb more steeply up to Chief Joseph Pass at 7,241 ft and to help us along a thunder storm soaked us with rain and pelted us with hail. It stopped briefly but started again at the top of the pass. This was the highest we have been so far and the pass is also the Continental Divide.
Once over the pass we descended into an area known as Big Hole. This is a huge flat plain as far as you can see, surrounded by mountains. It’s an impressive sight. As we crossed it we could see a huge electrical storm approaching us from our right and we were over 8 miles from the small town of Wisdom. It was a race to get there but we just made it before the storm hit and we sheltered for an hour there while it passed over. It was very violent and we’re so glad we managed to miss the worst of it.
We then set off on the last 18 miles to Jackson. The rain soon stopped and within a few miles it was hot again. As we got closer to Jackson though we could see another storm approaching from the mountains ahead and we only just made it again before this storm hit Jackson.
Once again it was far too wet to camp but we have a small (very very small) log cabin to stay in tonight. It”s not luxury but it’s warm and dry and therefore perfect.
Daily mileage – 108.8 miles
Time in Saddle – 9 hrs 15 mins
Totsl Climbing – 5,300 ft
Posted on: Jun 16th, 2010 at 6:23 am
Hey Guys!
Sounds like you’ve been lucky to avoid the storms!
Nice picture of you at the steakhouse! I don’t think you holding the knife up dad is going to fend off any grizzlys!! Best keep you pepper spray at the ready.
Well done for doing so well with your highest climb so far of the ride!
I guess that your Log cabin is very very small! So another night of you listening to dad snore is it alan? ha!
Well done guys!
You continue to do soo well!
Am very proud
love you
Posted on: Jun 16th, 2010 at 1:02 pm
Hello boys,
Wow! What an adventure you’re having!! Guess from one of the comments from Babs that you got the gel Chris. Hope it’s helping. All very mundane here compared to what you’re doing, but I’m with you all the way. Babs and Jan are both doing a great job without you!! No offence meant, ha!ha! You are both missed a lot, but they intend to improve their aim for your return!!
Mum is on holiday with Betty at the moment – she knew she was going to a place beginning with Su – thought it was Surrey, then maybe Sussex. She’s actually somewhere in Suffolk but not sure where!! Bless her. Take care and enjoy your great adventure.
Loads of love, Ann xxxx
Posted on: Jun 16th, 2010 at 5:09 pm
Hi Dad and Alan,
I have not posted for a while but thought I would say hello today. Really enjoy your updates everyday and glad you are both doing so well and in high spirits!!
Take care and keep your eyes open for bears!
Lots of Love Lisa
Posted on: Jun 16th, 2010 at 9:23 pm
Hi Chris just to say hello and well done,sounds like you having great time.
Pauline and Caroline N Ireland
Posted on: Jun 16th, 2010 at 9:42 pm
Hi Chris
You’re making great progress! Glad you missed the storms- They didn’t sounds very friendly.
Eating steak!? That’s unlike you.
I’ve e mailed you, so have a look whenever you get the chance.
Love you
Be safe