Rest Day at Kicking Ass Ranch
Mon 14th June 2010
This will be just a short post today because I have just a little time before we head down into the town of Victor to the local steakhouse.
Well yesterday’s massage certainly relaxed Chris because he didn’t wake up until gone 10:00am compared to my 7:30am. After breakfast we gave the bikes and paniers a clean as they had got pretty filthy through the bad weather last week, so we have shiny new bike to ride in the morning and of course they’ll go faster when they’re clean.
This afternoon Pete drove us into Hamilton where we dined in a Mexican restaurant, visited the local Police Dept and bought some pepper spray to carry on the rest of the journey. We decided against buying bear spray as its sold in quite large containers, not unlike small fire extinguisher – too much weight for the bike. We also popped into the local bike shop which had a real penny farthing on display. Its the first time I’ve seen bicycle tires for sale with metal studs for riding on ice. They could be useful.
Pete then drove us up to Lake Como, just outside Hamilton, where there was a beach with people sunbathing. It was just like the seaside with fantastic mountain views and we saw a bald eagle over the lake. It was a very picturesque and peaceful place on the edge of the wilderness.
This is a very nice area and we’d really like more time to explore but tomorrow we have an early start and a very tough days riding as we head into the Rockies and climb over Lost Trail Pass at over 7,000 ft. In fact we will be crossing the rockies for the next 1,000 miles by which time I think we’ll be ready for the flats lands of the Great Plains.
Pete, Karen and their daughter Amanda have been the perfect hosts and really made us feel at home. It’s been a great day and and we’ve had a lot of laughs today. Now we are off out to eat steak and lots of it as we need the calories.
Posted on: Jun 15th, 2010 at 5:53 am
Looks like a wonderful area – I am so looking forward to my retirement!!! Sorry we didn’t get to speak again last night. Good luck with the next leg of your journey – Chris, don’t leave food in your tent – PLEASE!! We are all thinking of you back home and wishing you well.
Posted on: Jun 15th, 2010 at 8:51 am
Keep Going Al, your not missing much Royal Ascot has started, Henley next week and England will be home from the World Cup within two weeks !
Posted on: Jun 15th, 2010 at 3:25 pm
Pleased to know you are feeling much more relaxed after your massage, be careful in the Rockies dont leave food in your tent or near you. Look after each other and be safe, xxxx
Posted on: Jun 16th, 2010 at 6:14 am
Hey looks like you are in a gorgeous area and are enjoying some nice weather!
Good luck for the hard day you’ve got coming next!
love you