Day 12 – Lolo Hot Springs to Victor

Sun 13th June 2010

When we put up our tents last night it was so hot we couldn’t bear to get in them so we were not prepared for a heavy frost in the night. Our sleeping bags are ultra lightweight 1 season so not designed to be used in cold conditions. That would explain then why I was freezing cold despite putting on my base layers in the night. When we woke up big sheets of ice fell off the inside of our fly sheets where the condensation had frozen. And we were only at 4,000 ft. Next week we will be at 7,000 ft so will have to get well dressed up for bed as it will be freezing every night.

Ice on tent

Iced tent

We layed in for an hour today because I couldn’t hear my alarm over the noise of the river and eventually got going at about 7:30am as the sun was starting to show. The first 30 miles to Lolo were easy and all slightly downhill after which we had warmed up and took off all our layers and applied sun cream.


Our first Elk (first live one that is)

From Lolo we followed a cycle path for many miles to Stevensville and it was on this path we met Joe, another cyclist, Joe lives locally and is a retired firefighter who was involved in and lost 11 friends in 9/11. He was a great guy and it would have been nice to have spent more time chatting to him.

Fellow cyclist - Joe

Bitterroot Mountains

View of Bitterroot Mountains near Victor

We only had 58 miles to ride today in order to get to Kicking Ass Ranch where we are staying for the next two nights with Pete & Karen. Pete offered to pick us up but I foolishly declined saying we’d be okay to cycle up to the ranch. In my defence all I can say is that it looked flat on google earth but we encountered the steepest hill by far on the road up tot he ranch. But we got here and it’s great with stunning views of the Bitterroot Mountains. Pete & Karen have made us feel at home and we are so well fed I can barley move.

Karen’s sister Robin in a massuer and gave Chris’s knee a workout. He’s feeling much better now. Oh I think my knee is starting to hurt now.

Chris gets a massage

Chris said this was worth the 56yr wait

Daily Mileage -58.8 miles

Time in Saddle -4 hrs 50 mins

Total Climbing – 1,175 ft

Today we passed the 1,000 mile mark so here are the stats for the whole ride so far:

Total Miles – 1,013

Time in saddle – 93 hrs 20 mins

Total Climbing – 44,930 ft


  1. That’s not an elk, it’s a big deer! I need you to pop home and clear out the guttering please as it all overflowed in the thunderstorm last night. Otherwise you are going to have to trust me up a ladder! I am sorry you are getting so cold at night. I am nice and warm as I have 2 kids in with me now!! Enjoy your rest day, you deserve it.

  2. Hey guys!
    Great news that you are now on your next rest day!
    Dad you look uber relaxed in the picture getting a massage! Talk about star treatment or what..that would cost you £50 at home!! Great to read that it’s helped your knee..i’m sure you’re feeling relaxed now. Alan, you’re going to have to put on an injury before you leave them so you can have the same!
    looks like you got close to the elk…are you feeling guilty about eating one now!? he
    Enjoy your day off.
    love you lots

  3. Well you,ve passed the 1000 miles thats pretty impressive, well done you deserve your day off, but im not sure about the massage I thought you was supposed to be having a hard time!! Lets hope the massage does wonders for your knee, take care xx

  4. That Elk looks like it’s about to do something!

  5. go Alan Go! it all looks fantastic, wish i was there