Day 21 – Riverside to Rand
Thurs 24th June 2010 We enjoyed our stay at Lazy Acres RV Park in Riverside. We had a nice site with some shade and there was a nice bar/restaurant opposite. We popped over there last night and had a coffee or four with the obligatory cherry pie. We also spotted their two burger meals for […]
Day 20 – Rawlins to Riverside
Wed 23rd June 2010 With no alarm we woke up at 6:30 and left the campsite 2 hours later than usual at about 8:30am. Our planned stop today was Saratoga but we decided to gonother 20 miles to Riverside to save losing our 70 mile advantage all in one day. Stopping at Riverside will reduce […]
Day 19 – Lander to Rawlins
Tues 22nd June 2010 Where to start? Okay it’s 10:30pm here and I’m tired so I’ll just tell it how it is. We had a slight lay in until 5:20am because I didn’t hear the alarm, what luxury. When we set off this morning we didn’t really know how far we would go or where […]
Rest Day in Lander, Wyoming
Mon 21st June 2010 Well there is very little to report about today. We are at about 5,500 ft altitude so it was warmer last night than in previous nights and it was also nice not to have the alarm going off at 5:00am. This morning we just rested and uploaded more daily routes to […]
Day 18 – Dubois to Lander
Sun 20th June 2010 (Fathers Day) It was another freezing night but at least our tents didn’t get blown away as happened to someone the night before during a storm at this campsite in Dubois. Still in one piece we set off at our usual time of 6:30am for what we expected to be an […]
Day 17 – Yellowstone to Dubois
Sat 19th June 2010 Thankfully no bears came to visit us last night and we were up as soon as it was light. We retrieved our stuff from the bear locker, had breakfast and packed up to go. It was very cold when we first set off and overcast. We hoped to see more wildlife […]